TLC Plates

TLC Plates

We supply TLC/ HPTLC  plates from Macherey Nagel, Germany


Supports For TLC Ready-To-Use Layers 

  • Glass Plates
  • ALUGRAM Aluminum Plates
  • Polygram Polyester Sheets
G= Glass      A = Alugram     AX = Alugram Xtra     P = Polyester We offer a complete line of products for thin layer chromatography (TLC), high performance TLC (HPTLC) and preparative TLC, including plates and accessories.
Available Support Phase Description
Standard Silica
G ADAMANT silica 60, improved binder system, optimized particle size distribution
G P A AX SIL G ALUGRAM® Xtra SIL G silica 60, standard grade, particle size 5–17 µm ALUGRAM® Xtra: as above, on aluminium, outstanding wettability, improved cutting properties
G DURASIL silica 60, special binder system
P SIL N-HR high purity silica 60, special binder system, higher gypsum content
G AX SILGUR silica 60 with kieselguhr concentrating zone
Unmodified Silica For HPTLC
G AX Nano-SILGUR nano silica 60 with kieselguhr concentrating zone
G Nano-ADAMANT nano silica 60, optimized binder system and particle size distribution
G A AX Nano-SIL nano silica 60, standard grade, particle size 2–10 µm
G Nano-DURASIL nano silica 60, special binder system
Modified Silica For HPTLC
G Nano-SIL C18-50 / C18-100 nano silica with partial or complete C18 modification
G  A RP-18 W nano silica with partial octadecyl modification, wettable with water
G  A RP-2 silanized silica = dimethyl-modified silica 60
G  A Nano-SIL CN cyano-modified nano silica
G  A Nano-SIL NH2 amino-modified nano silica
G Nano-SIL Diol diol-modified nano silica
Aluminium Oxide
G P A Alox-25 / Alox N aluminium oxide
Cellulose, Unmodified And Modified
G P A CEL 300 native fibrous cellulose MN 300
G P CEL 400 microcrystalline cellulose MN 400(AVICEL)
P CEL 300 PEI polyethyleneimine-impregnated cellulose ion exchanger
P CEL 300 AC acetylated cellulose MN 300
Layers For Special Separations
  P Polyamide 6 perlon = ε-aminopolycaprolactame
G CHIRALPLATE RP-silica with Cu2+ ions and chiral reagent,for enantiomer separation
G SIL G-25 HR high purity silica 60 with gypsum, recommended for aflatoxin analysis
G SIL G-25 Tenside silica G with ammonium sulfate for separation of surfactants
G Nano-SIL PAH nano silica with special impregnation for PAH analysis
P IONEX-25 SA-Na mixed layer of strongly acidic cation exchanger and silica
P IONEX-25 SB-AC mixed layer of strongly basic anion exchanger and silica
G Alox/CEL-AC-Mix mixed layer of aluminium oxide and acetylated cellulose
G SILCEL-Mix mixed layer of cellulose and silica

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